成都 自贡 攀枝花 泸州 德阳 绵阳 广元 遂宁 内江 乐山 南充 宜宾 眉山 广安 达州 雅安 巴中 资阳 阿坝 甘孜 凉山
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2023-03-03 21:53   来源:四川成考网






The people who lives in the far North are called Eskimos(爱斯基摩人).In the world of ice and snow it is 1____ to grow plants for food.The Eskimos must hunt and fish during the whole year to 2 ____themselves and their families with food.In winter,they hunt the seal(海豹)3____ the polar(极地的)bear.When they hunt the seal,they 4____ a hole in the ice and try to 5____ the seal when it comes up to breathe.


In summer,the Eskimos hunt 6____ animals。and they also hunt birds and catch fish.7____ that is useful is saved.The Eskimos use the meat from animals for food.They melt(融化)the fat from their bodies and use the 8____ as fuel(燃料).They make tools out of animals bones.The skin and furs of animals are used for making clothing.


If an Eskimo is 9____ lucky,he may kill a whale(鲸鱼),10____ a dead whale may wash up on the shore near his house.The whale is an especially useful animal,because it gives a great 11____ of oil.


There is 12____ wood at all where the Eskimos live.Eskimos 13____ all their wood from the sea.Sometimes floating wood fromplaces.farther south washes up on the shore.


Most Eskimo houses are 14____ of stones.Instead of a door,there is a long,low tunnel(地道)15____ into the house.People have to crawl(爬)through the tunnel in order to enter the house.


1.A.important B.impossible C.impolite D.Interesting


2.A.supply B.find C.look for D.Give


3.A.or B.and C.but D.With


4.A.find B.cut C.beat D.Strike


5.A.kill B.beat C.hold D.Catch


6.A.another B.other C.others D.New


7.A.Something B.Everything C.Anything D.Nothing


8.A.fat B.liquid C.oil D.Rest


9.A.much B.oftenC.not D.Very


10.A.and B.or C.otherwise D.But


11.A.many B.much C.number D.Deal


12.A.not B.no C.none D.little


13.A.find B.have C.receive D.Get


14.A.built B.constructed C.made D.Piled


15.A.going B.coming C.leading D.Winding






1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.A




6.B 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.B




11.D 12.B 13.D 14.C 15.C


