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2019-09-29 16:13   来源:四川成考网



  你(Li Yuan)在英语学习中遇到了一些困难,希望得到帮助。请给你的英国笔友(Jason)写封信,内容包括:



  Dear Jason:

  It is a long time since we met last time. How's everything going there? I have been studying English these months. As you know, I go to work in the daytime. However, I study English at night. I have several problems in studying English. First, I have a poor memory. So, it is difficult for me to remember new vocabularies. Then, I can not understand the English grammars clearly. I always misunderstand them. Finally, I do not have a atmosphere to talk in English. So, my spoken English is poor.

  I really want to improve my English. Jason, I will be very grateful if you can you give me some advice. I look forward your reply.

  Yours Li Yuan


